Friday, March 14, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis of Commercial

The first rhetorical strategy i noticed in the commercial i chose was pathos. The commercials main purpose, other than to promote their company's cars, was to focus on making their audience laugh. The part where the man in the commercial ends up getting his privates frozen to his car and is unable to disconnect them is supposed to make the audience laugh. Another part during the commercial where humor is used is when the second guy comes into the commercial and is walking to his car he waves to the man who has his junk stuck to his car. The guy with his privates that are frozen to the car nonchalantly waves back to the second guy and acts as if there was nothing wrong.
The rhetorical strategy of cause and effect is also used in this commercial. The car company is trying to convince you that their cars which have hands-free cards which open and start your car without a key is better than owning a car that requires a regular key. The cause is that if your key slot on the driver side door freezes over and you do not have a hands-free card then the effect will be that you will not be able to get into your car.
Another rhetorical strategy used in the commercial is compare and contrast. If you have a car made by Renault then you will not ever have to worry about not being able to get into your car. The contrast is if you have a different car that is not Renault then if you do have a problem getting into your car you will not have a hands-free card to let you in.
The rhetorical strategy of an example is also in the commercial. The example is if you can not get into your car you do not have to worry about it if you have a Renault car with a hands-free card.

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