1) Sean Kingston by Sean Kingston
2)Exclusive by Chris Brown
3)The Cool by Lupe Fiasco
4)After The Music Stops by Lecrae
5)13 Letters by 116 Clique
A deserted island or an empty well? I am definitely going to have to go with the deserted island over some dark, damp, and smelly well. Also, who would not want their own personal island where they could do whatever they wanted? Now that I have decided I where I am going to be stranded it is time to make some critical decisions. What five albums do I want to listen to for the rest of my life? My favorite type of music is rap/hip hop and that is why four of my five selections are just that and my other choice was a pop/rock album. I chose Sean Kingston's first album, which is self-titled Sean Kingston, because I like the sound variety of his songs. Some artists, especially rap artists, can a lot of times have an album where every song on it sounds very similar and all they do is change the lyrics. I chose the album Exclusive by Chris Brown because sometimes everybody just feels like dancing and this album has some great rhythmic dance tracks. I just started listening to Lupe Fiasco about a month ago and am now a big fan of his music. I chose Lupe Fiasco's second album titled The Cool, simply because I can not stop listening to it. I still have not been able to put my finger on it but I can not figure out why I like his music. If I had to give a reason as to why I picked that album it would be because of the smooth rhythmic feeling I get from Lupe Fiasco's songs. I chose the album After The Music Stops by Lecrae because I prefer clean rap and Lecrae is a Christian Rap artist who does not use any swearing in his music. Finally, I chose the album 13 Letters by 116 Clique, who is a group of Christian Rappers also, for the same reason I chose Lecrae's album After The Music Stops, and that is because I enjoy good, clean rap.