The presidential candidate that i selected is Barack Obama. The issue that Barack Obama has expressed his opinion about that I have chosen to rhetorically break down is the issue of illegal immigration.
Barack Obama uses the rhetorical strategy of "process" when speaking about illegal immigration. Barack Obama says, "I support the idea to add additional personal, infrastructure and technology on the border and at our ports of entry." Barack Obama says that if we do that then it will help preserve the integrity of our borders, which is the second step of the process. The first step was adding additional personal, infrastructure and technology on our border and at our ports of entry and the second part is it will help preserve our borders.
You can also say that Barack Obama used the rhetorical strategy of "cause and effect" when referring to protecting our borders. The cause would be "adding additional personal, infrastructure and technology on the border and at our ports". The effect would be "preserving the integrity of our borders."
Barack Obama used the rhetorical strategy "illustration" when talking about his views on illegal immigration. Barack Obama has "introduced amendments to put greater emphasis on keeping immigrant families together". The illustration comes into play when he makes the move to introduce amendments which show that he truly wants to improve the illegal immigration issue. Another time that Barack Obama uses the rhetorical strategy of "process" is when he is talking about having illegal immigrants come out of the shadows. What he means by that is he wants the illegal immigrants to stop hiding and become a legal American citizen the correct way. The process Barack Obama says that illegal immigrants should go through is to first "fine good standing, undocumented immigrants, then have them learn English, and then go to the back of the line for the opportunity to become a citizen."
Another way that Barack Obama implements the rhetorical strategy of "cause and effect" into his reasons on how to help our illegal immigration problem is to work with Mexico. The way that Barack Obama says that we should do this is by "doing more to improve the economic development in Mexico" which is going to be the cause. The effect of that cause will be a "decrease in illegal immigration." Barack Obama thinks that if the people of the United States of America can help improve the economic development of Mexico then there will be more job opportunities for unemployed people in their own country. The result would be fewer illegal immigrants coming to the United States of America and working for someone illegally up here. It will also prevent legal citizens from having a job taken away from them because an illegal immigrant will agree to work for a lower than minimum wage.
Barack Obama also uses the rhetorical strategy of "description". When he is talking about having increased border patrol he explains what he means by that. Barack Obama says, "strong border enforcement means border surveillance, border patrols. It also means we are tracking who gets visa's and who is overstaying visa's."
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